.Net Developers

.NET Framework is the technology for creating web apps. It uses server-side technology that reduces time and costs. The developers at SMR provide the complete ASP.NET Development services and solutions including Silverlight, .Net Framework and SharePoint.

Hire Certified Microsoft .NET developers who are trusted by our clients. Our dedicated .NET developers have excellence in executing .NET projects of all sizes and industry sectors.

.Net Development Solutions.

  • Enterprise Application Development.

  • eCommerce Portals & Payment Gateways.

  • Third-party Integration & Customization.

  • CRM Website Solutions.

  • .NET Customization Services.

  • .NET Database Management Solutions.

  • ASP.NET desktop app development.

  • .NET B2B Portal Development Solutions.

  • Intranet And Extranet Solutions.

  • .NET Migration Services.

Why hire .Net Developers from SMR Infoflow Services?

SMR Infoflow Services provides highly qualified developers with flexible engagement model in the market. We provide minimum 3 years of experience developers.

Our Hiring Models

We provide you the best suited hiring models for your requirements.


For large and longer-term projects, we recommend to go with the retainer hiring model. The billing for retainer model is last week of every month invoiced to client. The number of hours of retainer model is monthly 160-180hrs. Additional hours will be charged as per agreed rate/hour.


For short term projects or maintenance projects will be the more suitable model. The billing for hourly model is the time spent by the developers on project.

Fixed Cost

Our business analyst will analyze the requirement and provide you the fixed cost for project. This is most suitable for one time development and handover. The cost will be vary based on requirement of project.

If you are looking for right company to hire developers, we are the best in market. Why late, CONTACT US